I was looking through some photos, and saw this one I took this past fall when the trees were so beautiful - one of the best color autumns we have had in a few years in my opinion. As I gazed upon the photo I was inspired to share my story in a new light and how the seasons can be a metaphor for my life transformation.
When one gets shocked in change or chooses to make some changes from an unhealthy or unhappy life to become their true authentic self, it is likely one will go through some dark cold days as she/he works through old patterns of behavior, subconscious thoughts, and feelings which have become stuck in our body - our energy systems. In many ways it is comparable to an addiction – our body/mind has become used to feeling and thinking the way it does. We complain, are stressed, get sick and don’t feel well - so much negativity . . . . . . But that is not who we are.
WE ARE MAGNIFICENT, POWERFUL BEINGS! It took me 50 + years to learn, realize and change my victim and ultimately self-destructive thinking. I can now say I am HAPPIER THAN EVER and know I AM A MAGNIFICENT being and have tapped into MY DIVINELY GIVEN SUPER POWERS. I now know why I have had the struggles I have had in life. I have worked through them and have compassion and understanding for others. Compassion is a very high frequency emotion that not only has raised my personal frequency to a high level but has made me a powerful healer and transformational life coach!
I AM SO GRATEFUL for my health crisis three years ago, that is was not debilitating, and it GOT MY ATTENTION to make some needed changes. I am also so GRATEFUL for the amazing light workers who have helped me to heal and recognize the powerful light within me!
I had experienced enough long dark cold winters. I have now gone through spring and new growth and long for continued new growth. I celebrate the long light days of summer and breathe in the amazing colors of fall, and know if I hadn’t gone through the long dark cold days of winter I would still be living in my old state of misery - I didn’t even know how miserable I was till I found my PURPOSE, JOY AND HAPPINESS!
If you are ready to purge old patterns of thoughts and behaviors and find your PEACE, JOY and to live your DREAMS, please set up a connection call with me to discuss allowing me the privilege of being one of your light workers to assist you in transformation!