Unexpected Adventure
When I manifested my new car last fall, my friend Kelly suggested that I name the car. I was stumped on what to name the car, the cars paint color was Celestite Grey. I was in my favorite store up the street and was looking at crystals, the properties they had, their colors and names I liked. I picked up many but the ones I kept coming back to were the aventurines, celestites, and angelites, I liked the energy I could feel in each and their uses, as well as the colors of each stone. I decided to name the car Celeste, because of the car’s color and that she and I would be adventuring around protected by angels. If you would have said four years ago I would be naming a car after crystals I would have said, “you have to be kidding me - you are crazy”. She and I are now adventurers, knowing angels are protecting.
Last night I had an unplanned adventure! A friend was conducting a concert for the benefit of asylum children, it was a heart felt-concert and so well programed! Following, I decided to go down to the Fairmont Hotel for the free Jazz in the lobby to hear someone I know sing. Shortly after sitting down, a man sat down next to me and started sketching. He was a very talented individual. We were talking and he was telling me about a homeless man he had connected with and what an interesting amazing artist he was, and that he might be stopping in to hear the music.
Shortly thereafter the artist showed up, and I stepped into my new role as an adventurer with angelic protection and went up to meet him. I told him I heard he was an amazing artist and asked if I could purchase him a hot beverage. He commenced pulling out paper and multiple cups of brushes, markers, colored pencils stored away in pockets. He started drawing, and it wasn’t long before I realized he was sketching me. At first I was a little uneasy but relaxed into our conversation. Truly a brilliant man, as time rolled by he told me about a Ted talk he was the main character in the story told in the talk. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dpanM1yPbk&feature=youtu.be After a some time lapsed, I pulled out my phone and we listened to the talk, learning a bit more of his story. I shared with him that my brother is homeless in Denver, who has a bi-polar diagnosis. He shared he also has a bi-polar diagnoses and other issues as well.
I can’t even begin to explain his creativeness with how he kept his art supplies together or his creative ways of using different pieces of clothing to dress himself to stay warm. He started taking a few layers off as he was getting warm being inside, talking a jacket type layer off saying this is a pair of jeans. His words were poetic and so wise. At one point, I must of said Oh my God, he said don’t say Oh My God, say Oh Our God. He was so sane, kind, just a very tall teddy bear. If I had known what a treat I was in for, I would have turned on my recorder. We talked about energy, the law of one. He finished the drawing of me and rolled it up, gave it to me, I offered him a warm place to sleep, which he turned down and gave him a hug and he said he would be in touch with me (I had given him my business card). In the past I would have been afraid to reach out and introduce myself and sit for a few hours. But I thought, am I going to be an adventurer protected by angels (yes I use my intuition, and I was in a public space) or am I just going to stay in my box. Well last night I stepped out of my box and had a most enjoyable educational evening with a brilliant homeless man and wonderful jazz and singing in the back ground. I am feeling so blessed by my rich experience.
I this has me thinking so much about my brother, who has had opportunities to have a roof over his head, but he just has no desire to follow the rules to keep either an apartment or room in a group home. My heart goes out for my two siblings who also live in Denver, their struggles in trying to support and help my brother and also how the rest of us siblings deal with his homelessness including our individual relationship stories with him. Homelessness is so complex, I only wish I had the answers, but I will never see it the same again as there are many reasons people are homeless, everyone has a story, and many stories include mental health issues and or abuse/trauma of some sort..
My greatest advice, the very least you do when you walk by someone who is homeless is smile and share a kind word.
The sketch he made of me below.