“Nothing will be impossible for you.”
What an impressive statement! I enjoy learning about the new science of quantum physics, along with other learning about cells, their environment, and the brain. I enjoy seeing how science is beginning to prove that we can be powerful creators. The tools are our minds and our hearts. Which ultimately relates to our vibrational frequency.
We will start with the mind, of which we have three. The first and most powerful mind is our subconscious mind. Even though this is the most powerful, the power is not always the best, this is because it may have been programmed for our greatest and highest good. Dr. Bruce Lipton, says that 95% of our mind is the subconscious mind and is determined by the time we are seven years old. During the years from birth and six years, the child’s mind is mostly in alpha and theta brain waves, which are amongst the lowest EEG frequency, considered to be a hypnotic trance. Children’s minds are being programmed through the first six years. Some of this programming is great, like to walk, eat, talk, write, and breathing. These are just some of the many things we do throughout our life that learned during these early years. But if children are abused, grow up in poverty, any kind of trauma, mainly verbal, sexual, physical, mental, even spiritual abuse or a limited mindset in different areas - money, fear, unworthiness.
By the time were are thirty-five the subconscious mind not only runs our thoughts, but behaviors, and emotions. I’m sure you have run across individuals who start to get stressed out when they have heard something might happen, it hasn’t, and they have already panicked as if it has. The reason this occurs often comes down programming. The beauty is this programming can be changed. It takes going within, effort, intention, consistency, and practice, loving and showing compassion for yourself. Have you come to the time where you are beginning to recognize blocks. Thank your guidance team for bringing the awareness to you so that you remove or change your thinking to become the magnificent person you were created to be.
The heart is a dominant tool because that is where we feel the emotions, which when we combine our thoughts with our hearts and feel the feelings, amazing creations happen. The dominant key here is to press in on the emotion you imagine you would have when your creation has already occurred. See yourself doing what you would be doing, if money is that you are wanting, see yourself see yourself enjoying it for the reason you want it - maybe it is a dream beach house you wanted, so see yourself enjoying it – feel the sand between your toes, hear the waves, smell the air, and envision the dolphins. Combined this all together with a heart full of gratitude as if it has already happened and sit back and enjoy the show - DO NOT DOUBT – then the thoughts move to lack, we have sabotaged or delayed our creation
Also know that we self-sabotage in other ways, for example, we make up excuses of why we can’t do something, like lack of time for example, but it is just a cover, if you really wanted to do it you would find the time.
Make a plan!
So set yourself to 15 minutes of meditation (start with five), there are meditation apps you can use, and several on YouTube. Don’t worry about the thoughts that come into your mind. It is our mind, it is created to think, just image then as clouds floating through and pay attention to your breath. If you are still struggling, connect with me.
Make a list of what you would like. Be specific, and get into your heart as previously mentioned.
If thoughts, emotions or behaviors that contrast what you desire come into your head come in, say ‘Change” as quick as you catch yourself and change.
If this all fails, you may need to get a life coach and or some energy work done. I know I did and doing so made a significant difference.
I welcome your comments. If you are interested in inquiring about my ‘Heart Source Energy Coaching’, please connect with me!