I have shared before in my Facebook videos that everything is energy! Our emotions are energy, and all vibrate at a different frequency. Stress, fear, and guilt, labeled as negative emotions, vibrate at a lower frequency level. When we are experiencing joy, compassion, and gratitude, our frequency is vibrating at a much higher level.
We can sense the frequency of individuals around us. You may not recognize it as energy you are feeling, but it is. Our frequency radiates from our bodies. If you are experiencing joy, then your high frequency will have a positive impact not only in your close circle but also in the world around you. Vice versa, if you are stressed or fearful, your world and emotions vibrate lower and you could feel unhappy and unfulfilled. We tend to connect with people who have a similar vibration as we do.
As you know, life has its ups and downs and therefore our frequency does as well. The good news is we can have an impact on our frequency if we choose to do so.
It can be very difficult to change our frequency because of experiences programmed into our subconscious. The first 6-7 years of life, when a child’s brain waves are mostly alpha and theta, the subconscious mind is being programmed. A child’s sensory experiences, motor development, emotions, and more including family thoughts on money, love, the kind of discipline experience, and traumas are some examples of what effects our subconscious mind. The subconscious mind, by the time we are 35 years old, we are 90-95 % of our emotions and behaviors are established. If you have grown up with stress, lack, or traumas, many patterns of thoughts and behaviors need transformation so that you can become your most magnificent self. Another result, if we experience an excess of stress is our system produces an imbalance of hormones and chemicals, which then settles in the lower three energy centers (chakras), also considered our survival centers. To make lasting changes we need to change and heal many habits of behavior and emotions. We need to destroy the negative loop tapes that run continuously through our subconscious mind.
So basically if you are living a significant amount of your life in low-frequency emotions, such as stress, fear, and guilt, you have a significant chance of becoming sick; however if you are living in joy and gratitude, you will be healthier and likely to feel and look younger. You will also have more serendipitous moments, be more tuned into your intuition, and be able to create a life of living into your dreams and desires.
Here are some ways to increase your frequency:
- Create a gratitude list - add 5 things a day (even if it is as simple as someone said thank you or you saw a beautiful flower, smile etc.)
- Do random acts of kindness or volunteer
- Avoid stress (Like avoiding the news – unless you have a good news station)
- Hang with happy upbeat people who don’t complain (find a new tribe if necessary)
- Meditate and do some slow deep breathing
- When you have a day that doesn’t have the desired outcome, don’t focus on it or speak of it to others – (limit telling your sad story to two times)
- Get outside in nature and take a nice walk
- Take a long soaking bath with Epsom salts and essential oils
- Listen to some positive upbeat music
- Get some energy / Reiki work done or have a massage
- Laugh (watch a comedy)
- Buy yourself some flowers
- Drink more water and eat more organic food, especially fruits and vegetables
- Travel and explore new experiences (enjoy the photos of my Sydney trip)
- Do whatever makes you feel good (and is good for you) or feeds your soul
I hope these tips are helpful. If you do struggle with an excess of low-frequency emotions and are having a difficult time changing your subconscious thinking, it may help to invest in yourself to improve your life. My energy medicine/ Reiki energy sessions are very relaxing and help balance and move old stuck energies out of your body.
My Heart Source Energy Coaching Program combines life coaching and energy sessions to help you improve your life and work through issues which you are struggling with, and is a great way to learn to move forward with a higher frequency and help you live a more fulfilling life. I offer free discovery calls to discuss and explore how the 'Heart Source Energy Coaching' Program and help with your transformation. Why not schedule your discovery call or session today? All sessions, both Reiki Energy and Life Coaching can be done remotely.
Feb 6, 2019, 9:58:37 AM
Varsha - Thank you for sharing this!